Manifestation Through Kitchen Spices

Kitchen spices

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It is interesting to know that kitchen spices not only make our food delicious but also help us to manifest our desires and boost our life with prosperity and growth. So there is no doubt in saying that spices not only add flavours to our food but our life too. This means that we have various ways to manifest with them. For instance, cooking a curry and while adding basil to it visualise prosperity and abundance and it will infuse it into your food. Another way to manifest with spices is by adding herbs to your candles or burning them as incense. A very interesting way to understand certain things is by drinking mugwort tea before bed and setting a purpose to receive messages in your dreams. It will help you receive clarity on things.

Let us see how certain spices help us to manifest: –

  • Garam Masala: – This spice helps us bring wealth and luck to our lives. While using it to add flavour to our food, we should think that we are adding wealth and luck to our life. To earn more wealth through Garam Masala, we need to make a small packet of it and keep it in our wallets. To achieve more success, we have to sprinkle it in the corners of your home or shop.


Garam Masala

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  • Cinnamon (Dal Cheeni): – This spice is responsible for bringing success, love, and protection to our lives. It is quick in its effects and also radiates the vibrations of spirituality when we use it. To increase our savings with it, we need to keep a cinnamon stick in our purse or piggy bank. Spiritual vibration of cinnamon is very high and can be used to increase our own vibration, which will help us to attain a higher level of understanding and consciousness. That is why it acts as the most useful spice while meditating. Its aroma motivates us to view situations in a positive manner. This spice is most useful for those suffering from anxiety or depression.



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  • Clove (Laung): – This spice clears negative thoughts and vibes and also provides protection. It is also responsible for bringing in love and sexual feelings. To increase our wealth with clove, we need to keep them on paper and put them in our purses and wallets. We can burn cloves with camphor, or we can also place some cloves in a small sachet and carry them in our wallets or purses, and it will give us protection and clear away all the negative energy. We can also cover an orange with some cloves and leave it in our kitchen. The aroma that it will create will be in form of high vibe magnetism.



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  • Ginger (Adrak): – This spice can be used in any form and is used to strengthen health, love, and power. To add wealth to our life through ginger, we have to think of adding wealth to our life while eating ginger mixed in any food. Ginger, in the form of oil can also be used for manifesting. Ginger oil empowers us and helps us to concentrate on our goals and take action towards them. It is also responsible for speeding up our intentions towards a particular goal and causes us to feel a new sense of energy and purpose concerning our desires. It also helps in shaking off the inadequate mindset that has been holding us back from turning our dreams into reality.



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  • Sage: – This spice is used for clearing and cleansing energy and wiping out any negative energy in our blessed space. To manifest with sage, we have to burn sage either in a smudge stick or just the dried leaves by themselves. It will act as a home blessing and will cleanse our house. We can also prepare tea from sage and can carry it with us anywhere in a spray bottle. We can spray it whenever we feel that there is negative or low energy around us. It clears the mind and allows our mind to open up to receive messages from spirits or angels.



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  • Mint (Pudina): – Mint builds good strength and health. It also makes our investments safe and successful. This spice is green in colour and thus this colour can be considered green money and therefore it adds more wealth. We can manifest through this spice by keeping 2-3 leaves in our wallets or checkbooks. Their fragrance will make us feel powerful.



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Just believe in the magic of believing and see you universe will make changes in your favour.

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