How Universe with the Frequencies of Human Beings

man in universe

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Everything in our universe is in motion, i.e constantly vibrating. The objects that appear to be stationary are also vibrating, resonating, and oscillating at various frequencies. But what is a vibration? A vibration is a state of being, the atmosphere, or the energetic quality of a place, person, thing, or thought. According to the law of nature, everything has a vibration and we all vibrate at a particular frequency, and this vibration is a way of expressing our overall state of being. We know that everything is made of atoms and these atoms are in a persistent state of motion. Depending on the speed of these atoms, things appear as solid, liquid, or gas. Sound and thoughts are also a vibration. So, everything that is manifested in your life by itself, is because it matches the vibration from your thoughts. A figure that appears to be solid, is generated by an underlying vibration. Vibrations convey themselves in corresponding geometrical figures and in this way develop crystals. These crystals are the expression of vibration. Crystals inclusively form a body of an element as per its particular vibration. 


Vibrating strings of energy

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Quantum physics defines the Universe as nothing more than “vibrating strings of energy.” Various scientific research found that different parts of human bodies have their sonic signature. This means the sound of the cells of our heart is different from the sound of the cells of our kidneys.

Our feelings, thoughts, frustrations, worries, and everything in our subconscious, are transmitting a specific vibration into the Universe and our lives are moulded by these vibrations. This is clearly how the Universe works. So, once we understand how the Universe works, we can get the universe to work for us. For instance, if a person is feeling stuck in life, then they can find all the answers by raising their personal vibration to that pitch where their desires infuse with the desires of the universe. 

We should always be in a symphony with life. When a person is in a tune or symphony with life, they will work in cooperation with the Universe and they will easily be able to manifest their dreams. 

Everything in the Universe is energy, therefore the things we desire are also currents of energy and not solid objects. So, to get what we want we need to learn how to redirect these currents of energy toward us. 


Power of your intentions

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Let us learn how to direct energy toward us-

Human beings create “intentions” through the vibrations of our thoughts and desires. Our reality is linked directly to our thoughts because “what we focus on becomes our reality.” So, by creating positive intentions about what we really want, we can direct energy toward us and the universe will make things happen in favour of us. 

Abraham Hicks once said that “As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.” This also means the same as above, our thoughts decide what we attract.

Following are three ways through which we can raise our vibration frequency and be in tune with the Universe-

  • Love: – Love is one of the highest vibrating states of being and has the power to pull us out from the deepest drain. To raise vibration frequency through love, we have to call to mind someone we love, who is also easy to love and hold that person in our heart. After this, we have to imagine that person sitting right in front of us. We have to attune our hearts to love and our frequency will begin to rise and a feeling of lightness, happiness, and expansion will take us over.

  • Forgiveness: – As per Abraham Hicks’ emotional guidance scale (arranged from highest vibration at number 1 to lowest at 22), blame is placed at number 15 out of 22 emotions. Thus, forgiveness is very important for our own benefit because by forgiving someone, we release ourselves of this lower energy. It is also said in Mahabharata that ‘one should foregive under any injury.” By forgiveness, the universe is held together.


  • Gratitude:- Gratitude is one of the fastest ways to fire up our vibration. We should always be thankful for the things and moments that made us happy, strong, relieved, calm, at peace, grow, etc in our life. Not only things related to our lives, but we can also be thankful for the beautiful weather or the fact that we were blessed to live another day on earth, and so on. Whenever we feel low or are surrounded by low energy, we should shift our focus to gratitude and our vibration frequency will amplify.

I am grateful for

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