Spiritual Way to Heal Yourself | Know your Energy Chakras | Chakra Healing  & Unblock all 7 Chakras | Meditative Mind

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Chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates to a disk or wheel in English and refers to the energy centers in our bodies. These chakras are of spinning energy and each chakra is related to specific nerve bundles and major organs in our bodies. 7 main chakras run along our spine and these chakras need to be balanced to function at their best. If any one of the seven chakras gets blocked, we may experience certain emotional or physical symptoms that are related to that particular chakra. These chakras start at the base (root) of our spine and extend to the crown of our heads. Each chakra has its own color, symbol, and meaning.

In other words, a chakra is an “energy center” and in a completely healthy person, all 7 chakras work simultaneously to create life-force energy. Our bodies, minds, and spirits benefit from balanced chakra.

The chakra system originated in India between 1500 BC and 500 BC and the data of each chakra was recorded in the Vedas.

Following are 7 main chakras in the human body: –

  • The Root Chakra: – The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Muladhara. The color of this chakra is red and it is located in the cervical area for women and at the bottom of the tailbone in the perineum for men. Its function is to connect all of our physical, and bodily energy with the mother Earth itself. This chakra grounds us and helps keep us down to earth. This chakra is also connected with everything we require to survive like the act of sleeping, eating, breathing, etc. When our 1st chakra is balanced we feel a deep sense of peace, and safety knowing that all of our core needs are filled. The overall body healing begins at the root chakra. 

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  • The Sacral Chakra: – This is the second main chakra and the Sanskrit name for it is Svadhisthana. It is orange in color and is located in the pelvic region, a few inches below the belly button. This chakra is all about the creative identity of a human and hence is also known as ‘the place of the self.’ This chakra helps us to enjoy our lives and its energy encourages us to enjoy the fruits of our hard work. This chakra also helps in indulging in pleasurable activities like art, sex, and enjoying food. When this chakra is balanced we start to appreciate all the finer things in life as we start to enjoy them instead of overdoing them.

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  • The Solar Plexus Chakra: – The Sanskrit name of the third main chakra is Manipura and it is yellow in color. It is located in our stomach, 2-3 inches above the belly button, and is the point where our personal power and self-confidence sit together in harmony. It is also the warrior chakra as it is the most powerful chakra that supports bravery and boundary-setting. 

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  • The Heart Chakra: – The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Anahata and it is green in color. It is located in the chest and around the heart space. This chakra is all about love and that is why whenever we feel love, compassion, or kindness it is the energy center of the heart chakra that we are connecting to. When this chakra is balanced we are easily able to feel love, compassion, and empathy for others and ourselves.

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  • The Throat Chakra: – Vishuddha is the Sanskrit name for this chakra and it is sky-blue in color. It is located in the middle of our throat. This chakra helps us to speak up in a smooth and confident manner and is also our authorized seat of self-expression. The throat chakra gives voice to our personal beliefs, preferences, and values. When this chakra is balanced we lovingly and openly speak the truth and express ourselves in whichever way feels synchronized at any given point in time. This chakra also helps us to inspire people around us.

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  • The Third Eye Chakra: – This chakra is indigo in color and its Sanskrit name is Ajna. It is located between the eyebrows, spreading to our brain’s pineal gland. This chakra is believed to take us beyond wisdom as the magical energy of this chakra opens us up to expand our state of consciousness which goes beyond our five senses and the material world we live in. Psychic abilities, intuition, and extrasensory perception are all born from this chakra. When this chakra is balanced, we feel in tune with the spiritual and physical, and spiritual world and we are also able to connect with our soul and ego.

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  • The Crown Chakra: – The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Sahasrara and it is yellow or white in color. It is located at the very top of our head resting on our crown. As per the yoga traditions, this chakra translates to a ‘thousand petals’ due to its beautiful and petal-ladened symbology and connects us to the Universe. When this chakra is balanced, we achieve enlightenment and we are able to introspect and know who we really are.

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